Images: Amazon.com
Amazon Kindle 電子讀書器的推出確實火了一把,各大媒體給足了暴光率。乍看起來創新的東西細看起來有些慘不忍睹,尤其對 typo 人來說。Kindle 全部使用了 Caecilia 字體,由荷蘭設計師 Peter Matthias Noordzij 於1990年設計。字體本身並不是一個壞選擇,但所有雜誌書刊僅提供一種字體實在是無趣和另人無法忍受的,試想讀同一種字體、同一種排版的紐約時報、衛報和 WSJ 會是多麼痛苦的經歷;更不要說上千種書沒掉了封面、排版和插圖,用上同一種字體後會失掉多少的魅力。引用 Chip Kidd 幽默的說法:
On Monday November 19th, Amazon released something called Kindle, the latest 「e-book」 reading device. I’ve been asked to comment on what effect I think this will have, if any, on book design as we know it. Here goes.
Chip Kidd
7 個相關討論
they should use arial, screen-optimised isnt it Rex?
i think i will buy it coz it can access wikipedia wirelessly for free.
but apparently only in us.
oh. anyway, i dont think any typo guy will read WSJ….
to sy’s anyway: true. but if u think typography only influence typo people, there’s really no point doing typo at all isnt it?
anyway, there are typo people in the uk read the ft. suppose there will be typo people in the us read wsj, wouldnt you think so?
yeah, i only see u read ft.
“but if u think typography only influence typo people, there’s really no point doing typo at all isnt it?”
I dont see ur point, i suggest arial, ur favour screen point. am i right?
u fool. no comment now.
i know i love to tease you. my colleague.